Misty Mountain Spiritual Retreat

There is no earthly pain that nature cannot heal. Nestled in the midst of lush trees and gently rolling hills, you'll find our sacred land. Once belonging to the ancient American Indians, this place we have called ‘heaven on earth’ for many, many years. 

Take off your shoes ... Feel Mother Earth below your feet, breathe in the sacred healing air, feel the spirits of those who have gone before us, both human and animal. They are here to help you find your peace, help you work on all your issues and help you connect once again to Mother Earth and ‘awaken’ the YOU that you were meant to be. Misty Mountain Spiritual Retreat is nestled on 100 acres of sacred land of the ancient American Indians. This is a healing land. The land is blessed by the elders of the long ago tribe. This land is as sacred to us...as it is to the ancient ones. It is a place to heal. There is a healing Magic that takes place during ceremonies at the Retreat. Hundreds and hundreds and American Indians gather at the Retreat while we are preparing it for ceremony. All types of Healing Ceremonies are honored here:

- A Ceremonial Healing from a passed over loved one will consist of a reading between you and your loved one, followed by a soul retrieval.

- A Ceremonial Healing from a passed over animal family member will consist of a reading between you and your pet, followed by a soul retrieval.

- A Ceremonial Healing from medical problems will involve past life regression, a soul retrieval, Reiki and guidance.  

This is a Sacred healing Land.  The energy of the land will speak to you...it will heal you.
(Prices are determined by the type of healing preformed. )

 Coming SOON…Classes of all kinds! Contact me for UPCOMING EVENTS!